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Anderson also starred as U.K. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on season four of Netflix’s series The Crown, a performance that earned the actress an Emmy for her work. As she prepares to ...
“I’d seen Meryl Streep in ‘The Iron Lady’ and Gillian Anderson in ‘The Crown’. My favourite of all, if nobody minds me saying this, is Fenella Woolgar who plays Margaret Thatcher in ...
It may be difficult for many Americans to truly grasp the complex, alienating legacy of Margaret Thatcher. No recent political figure here in the U.S. was so equally loved and hated at the end of ...
The then-prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, held a friendly meeting with a leading member of the junta in Downing Street in 1980 while Britain’s ambassador in Argentina regarded the promotion of ...
A key figure in Margaret Thatcher's government, Sir John served as Secretary of State for Defence from 1981 to 1983. He was thrust into the spotlight in 1982 when Argentina invaded the Falkland ...
Throughout history women who have been tenacious, determined and, most importantly, empowered have made a profound impact which has roundly shaped our wider society. Despite being the 380th woman ...
If you want to change a country, you need courage. You need conviction. And you must never, ever back down from doing what is ...
September 2005 – The Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom is established. August 2008 – Daughter Carol confirms Thatcher is suffering from dementia, first noticed in 2000. December 30 ...
Mrs Thatcher drama is venomous & deluded... why does C4 vilify her at every turn? Channel 4’s Brian And Maggie twists history to vilify Thatcher, ignoring key political factors in her downfall.
Swift will publish a new biography of Margaret Thatcher, The Incidental Feminist: Friend, Foe, Femme Fatale: The Truth About Thatcher, focusing on not only her politics but how she “manipulated ...