The antibiotic teixobactin—developed a decade ago by Northeastern University professors Kim Lewis and Slava Epstein in ...
A newly developed laboratory tool can, within hours, help to identify specific viruses which can be used to destroy variants ...
What singles MRSA out from other bacteria is that it cannot be killed by the standard antibiotic methicillin (a synthetic form of penicillin). In the 1940s, 95 per cent of staphylococcus aureus ...
MRSA is a super bacteria that can cause serious infections which are resistant to antibiotic treatments. The superbug is particularly prevalent in hospitals because patients often have an entry ...
With time, the MRSA bacteria became resistant to vancomycin and vancomycin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (VRSA) soon arose. To add to the challenge, MRSA infection, once confined to clinical ...
In a recent publication in Cell Reports Medicine, a collaborative research team led by Chen-Yu Zhang and Huan Wang at Nanjing ...
Also, MRSA can develop resistance to mupirocin ... be aware that artificial nails increase the risk of transmitting bacteria to patients. Bacterial colony counts on and under artificial nails ...
A newly developed laboratory tool can, within hours, help to identify specific viruses which can be used to destroy variants of the dangerous pathogenic bacteria Staphylococcus aureus.
Since 2022, the Hannover Medical School, in cooperation with Viromed Medical AG, has been investigating the safety of cold plasma in bacterial infections of the respiratory tract using respiratory ...
Multidrug-resistant bacteria pose a major threat to human health. Manipulation of bacterial genes at the transcriptional level is a potential strategy to fight antibiotic-resistant bacterial ...