Cuba was given the designation in January 2021, shortly before Biden took office ... has been focused from the start on denying the Castro regime the resources it uses to oppress its people ...
The executioner’s rifle cracked across Cuba last week ... they cost an average of $1,000 each. Castro handled each munitions shipment with care and glee before passing it on to new recruits.
By Tuesday, Castro was wrapping her mind around the fact that continuing on after her Feb. 18 appointment with U.S.
One of her treasured memories of her life in Cuba was the photograph of her participation in the Queen’s court in the Carnaval of Santiago de Cuba before ... by Fidel Castro and the Cuban ...
The roots of U.S.-Cuba relations stretch back to the colonial era, long before the Cuban Revolution ... Break from the U.S. In 1959, Fidel Castro and his revolutionary forces overthrew Batista ...
WASHINGTON/HAVANA, (Reuters) – U.S. President Joe Biden plans to relax sanctions targeting long-time foe Cuba, U.S. officials said today just days before ... Fidel Castro’s 1959 revolution ...
while at the same time taking Cuba off a U.S. terrorism blacklist and making it more difficult for individuals to file lawsuits in U.S. courts over property seized following Fidel Castro's 1959 ...
Rubio’s family fled Cuba before Fidel Castro’s revolution in the 1950s, and his stance on Cuba has always been shaped by a desire to pressure the island’s communist regime. As Trump’s ...
Cuba faced sharp criticism from rights groups, the United States and the European Union following the imprisonment of hundreds of protesters after riots on July 11, 2021, the largest since Castro's ...