I n case you missed the news, a quick recap: back in mid January, the gloriously oddball Portland Oregon IEM specialist ...
The Teaming Up Against Cancer event brings the Kern County community together in the fight for a cure, supporting local ...
Two people were injured in a solo helicopter crash in Stanislaus County on Saturday morning, according to the sheriff's ...
Public review begins today on a set of revisions to Kern government's third attempt at a comprehensive environmental review that, in combination with a proposed county ordinance, would allow local ...
Local water systems on the brink of failure would receive assistance totaling tens of millions of dollars per year from an unlikely source as part of a proposal being floated by Kern government to ...
A teacher in the North Valley has been named the Elementary Educator of the Year in the State of California.  Shawna Petrosian has been teaching in Madera ...
In 28 of the 50 U.S. counties deemed most vulnerable to housing market slumps in the fourth quarter, homeownership expenses, ...
Local ballclubs have been using spring break to get in some work before the regular season picks back up next week.
According to the report, Arrevaniz was walking in the area when she was hit by a vehicle under unclear circumstances Renee ...
Rochelle Vaughan has been volunteering with JJ's Legacy since 2011, before and after she received a new kidney from her husband. It's a way to repay the Kindness.
The Historic Cascade Theatre Museum posthumously dedicated its Cascade Theatre to Leo Mickey, New Castle's "Mr. Movie" who ...