First, Jesus is warning all who reject Him as Savior that they will face an inescapable judgement. If a person rejects Jesus’ payment for sin, and lives life ignoring the Savior, and in unbelief ...
And their sins ("speeding tickets") are piling up. The Bible describes this scene on Judgment Day: "The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books" (Revelation 20:12).
When the Christian faith refers to judgement, it refers to the belief ... given to them by God in a wise way and avoid committing sins as a result of this free will, humans are able to choose ...
A Morgan County Circuit Court judge on Wednesday cleared the way for the trial of a man charged in what has become known as the "Seven Deadly Sins murders." Judge Stephen F. Brown reviewed mental ...
Christians believe that God has always existed as judge over his creation. God’s judgement is a process that ends in a decision about whether a person is worthy of his reward (Heaven ...