Investments in fintech seem to be on the rise again worldwide. How do you see this? Josip Heit: Thank you very much for the invitation. Fintechs have reconfirmed their status as a promising growth ...
Uhićen je Josip Dabro, bivši ministar poljoprivrede kojemu je Sabor skinuo imunitet. Naime, otvorila se priča o njegovu pucanju iz oružja i davanju vatrenog oružja maloljetnom djetetu, što se sada i ...
A group of about 20 policemen, Rela personnel and members of the non-governmental organisation 1Malaysia Complaints and Service Centre took part in a gotong-royong to paint over walls and ...
2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Regulators in thirty-five U.S. states and Canadian provinces have agreed to settlement terms with GSB Gold Standard Corporation AG (GSB Germany), GSB Germany founder Josip ...
PETALING JAYA: A number of Malaysians on social media today claimed that they have been registered as members of Rela (Jabatan Sukarelawan Malaysia) without their knowledge. Some users took to ...