Rosemarine Textiles in Detroit provides hands-on learning and mending skills to extend the life of clothing for beginners.
When it comes to Lila Moss, with her flawless fashion pedigree (Kate Moss is her mum, duh), we are always taking notes.
Designer Giovanna Crise set out to answer that question with her newest project, a travel zine bridging the digital and the analog realms through visual storytelling and a multimedia approach.
He said: 'I stopped going there, I climbed into the dumpster and found one of the milkshake cartons and every ingredient ended in "zine" or "eight", there was nothing natural anywhere near that ...
They have covered sexuality and relationships for over five years and are the founder of the PULP zine, which publishes essays on culture and sex. In their spare time, they can be found exploring ...
As a woman who is, scientifically speaking, the same height as Lady Gaga, I’ve always struggled with what jeans to wear. Skinny jeans make my legs look like they’re actually suffocating and baggy ...
Then, skinny jeans were dubbed, at best, out of style. At worst, embarrassingly uncool. Either way, the denim du jour veered more towards much more loose-fitting styles as a result. However, just like ...