The outcome was an extravagant valuation that had no connection to fundamentals. Even with its fabricated revenue, eFishery was trading at an EV/Sales ratio of two times. Agri-processors such as Japfa ...
Bandarlampung - Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Lampung menyatakan bahwa rencana pembangunan 3 juta rumah per tahun oleh pemerintah pusat dapat mendukung pengurangan kawasan kumuh atau slum area di ...
Jakarta is where Indonesia’s growing wealth gap is most evident – with unofficial slum housing sitting below shiny new apartment complexes and skyscrapers. Less than two-thirds of Jakartans ...
Jakarta is where Indonesia’s growing wealth gap is most evident – with unofficial slum housing sitting below shiny new apartment complexes and skyscrapers. Less than two-thirds of Jakartans ...
Jakarta is where Indonesia's growing wealth gap is most evident -- with unofficial slum housing sitting below shiny new apartment complexes and skyscrapers. Less than two-thirds of Jakartans own a ...
JAKARTA - This actress who also singer is indeed always look beautiful in every movie that starred. However, in her latest film 'Mooncake Story', Bunga Citra Lestari (BCL) serves as a widow of a child ...
Jakarta Barat. Sekolah ini diperuntukkan bagi anak-anak setempat yang mayoritas orang tuanya bekerja sebagai pengumpul barang bekas alias pemulung. “Jadi kami sebagai Bhabinkamtibmas mendirikan ...