Free with good humor because he knows this is an undertaking that could make a young engineer's career: building the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars (BTK) railway, an "Iron Silk Road" that will connect the oil ...
which is iron, and it's also dense in juniper forest, which would have provided fuel (for smelting)," Frachetti said. The ...
The Silk Road wasn’t a camel rut worn in the steppe ... They are invisible until they aren’t. They don’t like iron. They squat in empty houses. (Don’t sleep there.) A few have converted ...
The Silk Road was also called "Silu" in Chinese ... Ancient central China's silk products, iron ware, gold and platinum, bronze mirror, lacquerwar and bamboo work, medicine, farming and metallurgy ...
Smelting iron requires huge amounts of timber which ... challenges and technological demands.” Cities along the Silk Road ...
In the Iron Age there was an increase in movement ... out archeological research in significant sites along the ancient Silk Road and explore new systems and technologies to protect cultural ...