"Land of the Four Quarters" or Tahuantinsuyu is the name the Inca gave to their empire. It stretched north to south some 2,500 miles along the high mountainous Andean range from Colombia to Chile ...
Joan J Fortuny and Alventosa Morell Arquitectes collaborated to create the 54 Social Housing project in Inca. The proposed proposal attends to two fundamental aspects: the correct insertion of the ...
In 1780, as the once-great Inca empire’s Indigenous peoples were forced to labor for the Spanish crown, leader Túpac Amaru II ...
But among the holiest places in the empire were mountain peaks, which the Inca and other peoples in the Andes often regarded as representing the origin points of societies, and the resting places ...
"Land of the Four Quarters" or Tahuantinsuyu is the name the Inca gave to their empire. It stretched north to south some 2,500 miles along the high mountainous Andean range from Colombia to Chile ...