Either way, it looks like the great whale rebellion is upon us. First, the orcas. Now, the humpbacks.
A 24-year-old kayaker was briefly swallowed by a humpback whale in the Strait of Magellan in Chilean Patagonia, and that man lived to tell the tale. Also, lol at this "person swallowed by whale" ...
President Trump said Tuesday he would abide by court rulings if they blocked parts of his agenda amid uproar over comments from some allies about defying the legal system.
Matt Wells went through a terrifying eight minutes as the giant animal stalked him. We might think that sounds pretty scary, ...
The Department of Fisheries (DOF) is calling on the public to play an active role in safeguarding whale and marine mammal ...
Nature's gentle giants are a sight to behold, but if you want to see them up close, here are some whale watching do's and don ...
Protecting the vast ocean highways travelled by whales is a critical challenge. As these magnificent creatures undertake ...
The federal election has been all but officially called, with the latest YouGov poll showing Peter Dutton 'most likely to be next prime minister'.
Vote for the best boat tour once per day until polls close on March 13 at noon ET. The 10 winners will be announced on March ...
More Indigenous Australians may be able to use artificial intelligence and access online services as researchers capture more ...
“We’ve shown that humpback whale numbers have been increasing fairly ... The ropes can cut off blood flow to body parts, distort swimming and affect feeding if the rope goes through the ...
Circle a country or region by sea and you will experience its changing character in a way no other trip can rival ...