Fossils are like time capsules, offering us a rare chance to glimpse the distant past. Over the years, a number of ancient ...
Writing goes back about 5,000 years, but the spoken words is over a million years old. Psychology, biology and archaeology ...
For a long time, tool technology was seen as a uniquely human trait, associated with the genus ‘Homo’. Now we know tools go ...
Un estudio ha descubierto que el Homo erectus, antecesor del Homo sapiens, producía hachas y cuchillos de hueso de manera ...
Hasta ahora se pensaba que la fabricación de herramientas con huesos de animales era una habilidad casi exclusiva de nuestra ...
27 herramientas óseas estandarizadas descubiertas recientemente en el desfiladero de Olduvai, en Tanzania, muestran una ...
Early hominids were systematically producing bone tools at least one million years sooner than archaeologists previously ...
These were not just random tools made opportunistically, but show a consistent manufacturing process that must have been ...
Archaeologists found fossilised bones in Tanzania that suggest they began making them 1,5 million years ago.
Early humans were regularly using animal bones to make cutting tools 1.5 million years ago. A newly discovered cache of 27 ...
Un increíble hallazgo en Tanzania revela que Homo erectus fabricaba herramientas de hueso mucho antes de lo que se pensaba.
Herramienta de hueso tallada sobre húmero de elefanta, hace 1.5 millones de años / Laboratorio de Arqueología del Pleistoceno ...