Henipaviruses can infect many animals, including bats, horses, monkeys, dogs, cats and even rodents. This means they are more ...
Camp Hill virus was discovered by looking at tissue samples from short-tailed shrews that were collected in 2021. It’s a new ...
A new pathogen, called Camp Hill virus, was recently discovered in Alabama, drawing attention to a group of viruses known as henipaviruses. This is ...
Five years ago, the COVID-19 pandemic served as a wake-up call. Since then, health experts worldwide have sat on tenterhooks, ...
Researchers have identified Camp Hill virus, a type of henipavirus, in shrews in US state of Alabama. This virus, related to the deadly Nipah virus, raises concerns about human transmission and ...
A new virus is raising alarm in America’s Alabama. The Camp Hill virus, a close relative of the henipavirus family, has been found in northern short-tailed shrews (Blarina brevicauda) and there is ...
Influenza A virus particles strategically adapt their shape -- to become either spheres or larger filaments -- to favor their ability to infect cells depending on environmental conditions, according ...
Influenza A virus particles strategically adapt their shape—to become either spheres or larger filaments—to favor their ...
Influenza A virus particle can strategically adapt their shape, becoming either spheres or filaments, to favor their ability ...