Accordingly, the GLI is collaborating with the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) to offer a free course for communicators interested in raising awareness in their own countries of ...
© © Blikk Kft. Az oldalak tartalmával kapcsolatban minden jog fenntartva, beleértve a tartalom szöveg- és adatbányászat céljára való ...
Rendes éves zárszámadó közgyűlését tartotta szombaton délelőtt a Duna-menti Szent Orbán Borrend Adony. Utána gazdanapon vehettek részt a borászok. Portfóliónk minőségi tartalmat jelent minden olvasó ...
Works by Hanna Benihoud go on display in King's Cross. Illustrations by London artist Hanna Benihoud are on display in the HighlightHer free outdoor exhibition in King's Cross, celebrating ...
An amazing meal, served up alongside a delicious pint in a cosy pub, obviously. London is the gastropub capital of the world, full of boozers that can compete with our fantastic restaurants in the ...
Az Európai Unió dekarbonizációs tervei és a piaci igények között jelentős eltérés van – világított rá Krisztián Róbert, a Magyar Suzuki vezérigazgató-helyettese az Indexnek adott interjújában. A ...
Citi is spending £1 billion ($1.2 billion) to renovate its London office into a "workplace for the future." The Citi Tower in Canary Wharf is due to open in 2026. Citi's approach is less strict ...
During a routine search of an outgoing passenger, who was due to board flight BA2158 to Saint Lucia with onward connections to Gatwick International Airport in London, authorities discovered 2.468 ...
The owner of CurrentBody is eyeing up an IPO in London. The group behind beauty technology company CurrentBody is eyeing a float on the London Stock Exchange which could be worth £350m.
Average business owners bounce around LinkedIn without direction. They write posts about random topics. They change their message daily. Their profile stays invisible while others in their field ...
Bari Krisztián és famíliája 134 000 forintos családi pótlékból tengődik, az apa munkanélküli, pedig megfeszül. Próbál állást találni biztonsági őrként, de vagy elhajtják, amikor meglátják barna ...
We soon realised, however, like millions before us, that for the amount we would pay for an extra bedroom and a marginally bigger property in London, we could get a bigger house with a decent ...