This year’s prediction marks the 16th year in a row one of the Staten Island Zoo’s furry city slickers — all eponymously ...
Punxsutawney Phil isn't the only weather-predicting groundhog that enjoys a day of public spotlight. In northern Ohio, a ground-dweller by the name of Buckeye Chuck has made his call: Spring is ...
So how accurate is the famous groundhog? And what about Ohio's Buckeye Chuck? Here's what to know. The Stormfax Weather Almanac says the groundhog is only correct about 39% of the time.
Staten Island groundhog "Chuck" makes his appearance for Groundhog day with Mayor Michael Bloomberg, though a little hesitant to greet the mayor, "Chuck" reluctantly pops his head out to make his ...
Neither de Blasio or Chuck were harmed in the incident. Both seemed to laugh it off. But De Blasio better be careful if he dares to come back to the Zoo next year on Groundhog Day. If Chuck is ...
With groundhog day just a few weeks away, which groundhog should be trusted to predict the weather this year: Buckeye Chuck or Punxsutawney Phil? Buckeye Chuck, Ohio's official weather-predicting ...
Meet Staten Island Chuck. Chuck made national news when he bit New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's finger in 2009. Bloomberg reached into the groundhog’s cage, which did not work out well.
It's Groundhog Day. Will Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow portending six more weeks of winter? Will Staten Island Chuck agree? Will Bill Murray ever break the spell that has him continuously ...
“How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” 5) Groundhog Day is celebrated beyond Pennsylvania. All throughout the U.S., states and local towns have their own Groundhog ...
Punxsutawney Phil isn't the only weather-predicting groundhog that enjoys a day of public spotlight. In northern Ohio, a ground-dweller by the name of Buckeye Chuck has made his call: Spring is coming ...