A letter was sent out to Longmeadow parents this week to alert them that antisemitic graffiti was found written in a bathroom ...
LONGMEADOW — The words “Heil Hitler” were found written in large print on the outside of a boy’s bathroom stall at Williams ...
Graffiti covers boarded windows at the former ... Want your voice to be heard? Submit a letter to the editor. >> Write us: We welcome letters up to 150 words, and guest columns of 500-600 words.
“We are disturbed and saddened to inform you that antisemitic and racist graffiti was discovered in one of our locker rooms today,” stated the letter cosigned by Johnson and Parker.
Graffiti, featuring swastikas and other hate symbols and phrases, was found on the side of Affton High School on March 7.  In addition to swastikas, the graffiti read “88” – a white supremacist ...