Gas prices in the West Coast are about to surge by as much as 10 to 45 cents a gallon over the next couple weeks, says one ...
The map below shows the latest reported gas prices, clicking on the price ... zooming out far enough will reveal a "heat map" of area price levels.
Electricity prices are spiking across the country, posing a challenge to Trump's plan to halve energy costs for Americans.
From Los Angeles to Philadelphia, ditching small industrial boilers for heat pumps could help clear smoggy skies.
That's because the price ... for heat and air conditioning and hike costs. Utilities are investing in aging infrastructure ...
That's through the end of January for most items. The price tracker is based on data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics for food, household goods and services and Zillow for rent and ...
Gas prices in Akron went up 28 cents per gallon within the last week, bringing the city’s new average to $3.05. Cleveland’s average is now listed at $3.09 after prices went up 19 cents per ...