In an ideal scenario, says Chief of Police Tina Goncalves, the Pawtucket Police Department would have as many as 170 officers, but recruitment remains a challenge.
When the decision is made to enter into law enforcement as a police officer, the prospective officer will indeed face many ...
With an upcoming test in March, the Wheeling Police Department is hoping to get the word out on new positions.A civil service test is set for March 29, with a p ...
The council’s public safety committee on Monday voted 3-2 to move forward a proposal of hiring 325 new officers by the end of ...
The acclaimed Ukrainian author and essayist talks about his experience as a Soviet-born, Russian-speaking novelist, the ...
WTVA sat down with West Point Police Chief Avery Cook to talk about what it takes to serve on the police force.
WTVA sat down with West Point Police Chief Avery Cook to talk about what it takes to serve on the police force.
Have you ever wanted to become a Police officer? Well, the force serving East Riding are looking for new recruits.
Candidates for top intelligence and law enforcement jobs were asked to give “yes” or “no” responses to questions such as: Was ...
On Dec. 7, 1961, 15-year-old Eduardo Aguirre took a Pan Am Constellation prop plane from Havana to Miami as an “unaccompanied ...
During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump stood before a table of groceries, a box of eggs included, and promised: "When ...
As Mexican Americans, we've been harassed by La Migra — immigration enforcement — since the United States took our land ...