Trade liberalization in digital services is giving way to increased restrictions ... digitalized and networked world has only been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. With a winner-takes-most ...
The McKinsey survey found that the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly accelerated the pace of adoption of digital transformation technologies, as well as other speeding up other business changes.
According to Quartz Corp, whose high-quality quartz quarries produce much of the silicon used in the world’s digital devices, mining operations haven’t been disrupted by the pandemic.
The pandemic has been the catalyst for fast digital ... discovered technological breakthrough,’ says Philip Prowse, digital trade specialist and partner at HFW. “The technological tools ...
Digitising global trade has been a steadfast endeavour since before the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, but pandemic-induced closures ... has established the Digital Document (dDOC) specifications, ...
including a comprehensive digital trade chapter. In Geneva, the Joint Statement negotiations are progressing towards producing a consolidated text in time for the next WTO Ministerial Conference in ...
As a result, digital trade is expected to become the dominant ... Mohamed Hamedi. "But when the pandemic happened, customer behaviour, how they ordered and expectations changed, meaning that ...