Minecraft is one of those games that's on just about every platform imaginable. Its mobile version used to adorably be called the Pocket Edition, and now we know why: one of its developers is a ...
Pokemon TCG Pocket is celebrating the release of the Triumphant Light set with an SP Emblem Event, so learn all the details before joining in.
The most consistent decks in Pokémon TCG Pocket to help you win consecutive battles in the Triumpant Light SP Emblem event.
A Flamin' Hot Cheeto in the shape of a Charizard – a Cheetozard, if you will – sells for $87,840, proving Pokemon fans really will spend their money on anything.
The game also offers the occasional “God Pack”, which has several of the rarest cards in Pokémon TCG Pocket, but there is a 0.050 per cent of pulling one of those. With a number of immersive ...
As the meta settles in Pokemon TCG Pocket following the introduction of new booster packs, many competitive players are looking for ways to counter the emerging Darkrai ex decks. After Pokemon TCG ...
Dialga’s titular card, Dialga ex, is the first strong Metal card in TCG Pocket as it can accelerate Energy onto the bench as well as dealing damage. Darkrai ex is a decent attacker as deals ...
Now that there are three expansions out, while there are plenty of powerful new cards to be aware of (Darkrai ex is a popular breakaway), Pokémon TCG Pocket is finally in a place where the meta ...
In celebration of Pokémon Day, Pokémon TCG Pocket players have a brand new booster set named Triumphant Light that is already crumbling the old meta. It has delivered a slew of new and exciting ...
Pokémon TCG Pocket has a number of missions you can complete both when you begin your collecting career and as you continue to fill out your collection of cards. But there are actually some ...