Peter Thiel, seen here at a Bitcoin conference in 2022, is winding down his exposure to New Zealand business. American billionaire and surprise Kiwi Peter Thiel has further wound down his business ...
Nachdem unser Kolumnist lange über seinen Hund Jack geschrieben hat, widmet er sich nun einem neuen Thema: dem Lachen. Das kommt ihm bei einem Detail aus der Biografie des Tech-Unternehmers Vivek ...
Darf der neue Partner das eigene Kind kritisieren? – Die Single- und Paarberater Anna Peinelt und Christian Thiel besprechen in dieser Folge die Zuschrift einer Hörerin und Mutter. Sie ...
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The Magnificent Seven, the US titans of technology, have ruled supreme in stock markets for the past two years, delivering stellar returns. Their formerly nerdy bosses are now billionaires with ...
Peter Phillips, born in November 1977, is the eldest son of the Princess Royal and her first husband, Captain Mark Phillips. His younger sister is Zara Tindall. Peter shares two children, Savannah ...
Get the latest news and pictures from singer Peter Andre, his wife, Emily Macdonagh and their family. The happy couple recently welcomed a newborn baby boy, Theodore, who joins their family of ...