Penampilan ini menjadi cara yang menarik dalam pengenalan budaya lokal dan tradisonal Indonesia bagi calon siswa baru sekolah ...
Pada tahun ini sebanyak 3105 peserta hadir di sekolah pilihan masing-masing untuk menjalani Tes PSB Labschool 2025 ...
Sebanyak 1.018 peserta mengikuti kegiatan ajang interaksi siswa/i (Atraksi) untuk melatih kedisiplinan dan kemandirian yang ..., JAKARTA -- Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia yang terletak di kawasan Asia Tenggara, membentang di antara Samudra Hindia dan Samudra Pasifik. Secara geografis, Indonesia ...
Harga Rata-Rata Pasaran Sewa Ruko di Ciracas ... di ciracas jakarta timur Rp 90 Juta/Tahun Harga disewakan ruko 1 lantai lokasi strategis di ciracas jakarta timur Rp 90 Juta/Tahun Harga sewa ruko ...
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Indonesia has officially implemented a regulation on the global minimum tax in 2025. This policy mandates that corporate taxpayers, who are part of a multinational corporate group, ...
JAKARTA - Sebuah kantin koperasi di SMPN 188, Kelurahan Rambutan, Kecamatan Ciracas, Jakarta Timur terbakar pada Kamis (16/1/2025) pukul 07.12 WIB. Kebakaran berhasil dipadamkan sekitar pukul 07.42 ...
New Delhi and Jakarta have been negotiating the supply of the cruise missile jointly developed by India and Russia for more than seven years New Delhi: India, Russia and Indonesia have agreed on ...
JAKARTA, - Budiman (20), pedagang buah di sekitar lampu merah Cibubur, Jalan Raya Bogor, Jakarta Timur, resah dengan aksi balap liar yang hampir setiap malam terjadi di wilayah tersebut.
Roula Khalaf, Editor of the FT, selects her favourite stories in this weekly newsletter. Indonesia’s central bank has unexpectedly cut interest rates despite a weakening rupiah, citing slowing ...
However, if the foreigner (or his heir) leaves Indonesia to reside in another country, then he/she needs to release or transfer the ownership rights to another person who meets all requirements. As of ...
Super Bank Indonesia is considering an initial public offering that may take place in Jakarta as soon as this year, according to people familiar with the matter. The digital banking company ...