Putin’s ideology of Russian supremacy—seems to work here. But then, in Russia, one never knows anything. One can’t.
In his relations with other nations, the US president exhibits the same pattern of abuse of power as his alleged treatment of ...
Starting in 2021, HRFN convened funders to coordinate their responses to crises like the presidential assassination Haiti and ...
Columbia University faced a Thursday deadline to respond to nine demands on tightening restrictions on campus protests that the Trump administration says are preconditions for opening talks on ...
As my friend Leon Wieseltier said about Benjamin Netanyahu, and it’s true of Trump as well: He’s a small man in a big time.
Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke at the World Forum in Berlin this week and said: "There's no way to sugarcoat it, there's no way to explain it way, autocracy is on the march. We ...
This is not just eccentric provocation by MAGA attention-seekers; it is a window into a serious, philosophical concordance that is emerging between parts of the American and Russian right. The most ...
An interview with The Bulwark’s William Saletan, who argues that Trump sees Canada the way Vladimir Putin sees Ukraine—and that the American public is turning against Trump’s open imperialism ...
Hanoi has been intensifying efforts to strengthen ties with regional partners amid geopolitical turbulence caused by the ...
I n 2005, the late conservative writer Lawrence Auster published a response to one of his critics. The critic argued that Christianity had added little or nothing of value to Western culture. Auster ...
Some U.S. national security experts have taken to calling this group “the axis of upheaval” or “the axis of autocracy,” ...
Let’s restore the trust in China. Australia established relations with China in 1972 and with Australian support, joined APEC in the 80's.