Este ano, a Flipo vai homenagear o dramaturgo, romancista, poeta e professor paraibano Ariano Suassuna. Segundo a Secretaria ...
O produto é um inseticida pertencente ao grupo químico oxadiazina, que atua no sistema nervoso dos insetos, bloqueando os canais de sódio. Avatar® é seletivo para as culturas do algodão, milho, soja, ...
It's pretty heart-wrenching in a good way. It’s unlikely that Avatar: Fire and Ash is complete. Whatever people have seen probably has incomplete visual effects. Considering every frame of the ...
The story of Avatar continues in the upcoming series “Avatar: Seven Havens,” which is set after the events of “The Legend of Korra.” “Avatar” creators Michael DiMartino and Bryan ...
James Cameron has reportedly revealed an anti-AI title card will open up Avatar 3, officially titled Avatar: Fire and Ash. The Oscar-winning director shared the news in a Q&A session in New ...
'Avatar' director James Cameron. Credit: Ian West/PA Images via Getty Images Over the weekend, Cameron attended a Q&A session in New Zealand with a live audience to discuss the film. According to ...
Nickelodeon announced that they are continuing to expand the “Avatar” world with an all new series, “Avatar: Seven Havens.” According to Variety, on the 20th anniversary of the premiere of “Avatar: ...
Dividida em seis longos episódios Dia Zero embala na reta final, mais precisamente no penúltimo episódio com as cartas escondidas se mostrando chaves para resoluções. Então paciência que ...