The inquiry naturally arises, why do these two powers throw obstructions ... her now oppose the French project of a canal across the isthmus of Suez -- a work so imperatively demanded in the ...
Rabie emphasised that the Suez Canal is continuing its strategy to develop the waterway, pointing to the completion and ...
Do you see how the vast masses of sand ... Yet these things will all be set right, for trade will take the shortest route, and the Suez Canal will be a success, although no nation now believes ...
CAIRO, Feb 23 (Reuters) - Egypt's Suez Canal Authority chairman Osama Rabei said on Sunday that 47 ships have been rerouted from Cape of Good Hope to Suez Canal since the start of February.
The carrier collided with the ship near the entrance of the Suez Canal last week, and Snowden was relieved of his command afterward, the Navy said in a statement. Snowden has been the skipper of ...
The idea of a canal in this region has existed since the seventh century BC, but it was not until the late 1890s that it was finally completed - the Suez Canal, meanwhile, was completed in 1869.
Or do they have to take long way around ... It's about 82 km (50 mi) long. The Suez Canal was opened in 1869. and connects ...
The $23 billion deal, announced by Hong Kong-based CK Hutchison Holdings, transfers control of the Balboa and Cristobal ports to a consortium led by BlackRock, Global Infrastructure Partners, and ...
The quarrel with Eden's history centers on his account of Suez. It is not ... over Nasser's seizure of the canal," writes Eden, "had, of course, nothing to do with colonialism, but was concerned ...
The USS Harry S. Truman was damaged in a view from the ship's rigid-hull inflatable boat following a collision Wednesday with the merchant vessel Besiktas-M while operating in the vicinity of Port ...
BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager with a portfolio of investments valued at $11.5 trillion, has agreed to purchase majority stakes in ports on both sides of the Panama Canal from Hong ...