Coffee must have been the secret weapon of Greek, Slav, and Albanian mercenary units, the stratioti, that fought together throughout Europe in the 15th to 18th centuries. The stratioti must have ...
The Ptolemaic cavalry consisted of 2,000 Greek mercenary cavalry ... Antiochus has received criticism from both ancient and modern historians for his actions at Raphia on that fateful day.
There are important decisions to make at the beginning of a Civilization VII game including choosing your leader and your ...
The ancient artwork was uncovered during excavations ... The mosaic depicts a battle: Surrounded by a mess of fighting cavalry, Alexander wields a long spear. Opposite him is another leader ...
The true Amazons of Greek myth, who Hesgeth assumed have no basis in reality, can be attributed to the Scythians and Sarmatian female cavalry of the ancient Eurasian Steppe nomads. The list of ...
I felt like Marty McFly from Back to the Future when I stepped into Prasanna Weerakkody’s home in Kirulapone. But unlike Dr.
Roberto Cavaleiro has been resident in Portugal since 1989 and possesses dual Portuguese/British nationality. Now in his 10th ...
No thread is brighter than that connecting East and West. The exchange of ideas, trade, and philosophies has shaped our world profoundly.