At some point during their grade school years, lots of kids go through a big mythology phase -- they can't get enough of stories about gods, goddesses, and other mythological creatures. And that love ...
In the classic Parthenope myth, the siren whose voice brought sailors to their doom throws herself into the sea after Ulysses successfully resists her temptation. Her body is discovered on the ...
Virginia Tech's Aeneas Peebles was one of the DT's working out today and he posted one of the fastest times in the 40-yard dash. Peebles ran a 4.95, which tied for 4th among defensive tackles.
In India, history is constantly mythologised, myth is conflated with historic fact, and cinema often steps in as the grand preserver of momentous sentiments. In this landscape, Rama and Ravana ...
For all his many faults, there is no one with a better track record of myth-busting. Take — as a recent and near-perfect example — his declaration that he foresees “a long-term ownership ...
While there's a lot of to-ing and fro-ing between different objects and people in Urban Myth Dissolution Center, there's none of that frustrating chucking a list of verbs at the wall to see which ...