When was the ZZZ 1.5 release date? Version 1.5 is finally here, bringing with it drip-marketed characters and new story developments. If you’re already saving up your Polychrome, we’ve got a ...
It's recommended to use the alt key for keybindings. The Windows key is unfortunately a pain to remap, since the OS reserves certain keybindings (e.g. lwin+l).
PyDPainter, pronounced "Pied Painter" (like Pied Piper), is an attempt to create a usable pixel art program for modern computers in Python using PyGame. The original inspiration came from the ...
In the future, Battlestate Games will release Tarkov 1.0, and along with that will come a staggering array of changes, amendments, and tweaks that will change the face of the game. For a title ...