In addition to boasting a far-superior slang lexicon, recent years have proven that when it comes music, the Brits hold a much higher standard of mainstream pop. IâÄôm in no way bashing the purpose ...
He took to Instagram: “My best highlight for this ep is working in the same studio where @adele did her album “21” @onedirection also recorded they’re album Four here🙆🏽‍♂️ I ...
Host Andrew Unterberger is joined by Billboard executive director Joe Lynch and director of music Jason Lipshutz to discuss Adele's potentially controversial No. 10 position on our list ...
Her albums, named after her ages (19, 21, 25, and 30), have earned her numerous Grammy Awards and acclaim for hits like “Rolling in the Deep” and “Hello.” Hello” is Adele’s lead single ...