Any such payouts will be designed, in line with the Mabo decision itself, to benefit a privileged layer of indigenous land ...
The High Court has confirmed that native title is property and Gumatj traditional owners should be compensated. What does it ...
The High Court ruled the Gumatj Clan was eligible for compensation for mining on their land decades ago. It changes our ...
The High Court unanimously ruled that the extinguishment of native title rights should attract compensation under “just terms ...
Consistent with this law, the Province of British Columbia recently recognized the Haida Nation’s Aboriginal title over Haida ...
Federal and Haida leaders signed a historic agreement Monday recognizing Aboriginal title over the archipelago of Haida Gwaii off British Columbia’s northern coast. “Haida Gwaii belongs to you ...
The federal government will recognize Aboriginal title over the archipelago of Haida Gwaii off British Columbia's northern coast in a historic agreement with the Haida First Nation.
The federal government and the Haida Nation signed a historic agreement Monday recognizing Aboriginal title over the archipelago of Haida Gwaii off British Columbia's northern coast. Trudeau told the ...
Despite the WA government promising to share more data with Aboriginal people, a major native title body says information it ...
The Albanese government is bracing for a nationwide wave of compensation battles with Aboriginal groups after the High Court ...
A leading advocate for Indigenous self-governance delivered a lecture at Thompson Rivers University’s (TRU) Faculty of Law, ...