The price of unleaded 95-octane gasoline will also go up to JD1.175 per litre in April, up from JD1.17 per litre in March. Diesel will be sold at JD0.730, down from JD0.740 in March, according to ...
A figure as high as 95 octane could be possible to make modern, downsized engines more efficient. The EPA is mulling an investigation into whether raising the octane rating on standard gasoline ...
In February, unleaded 90-octane gasoline will be sold at JD0.885 per litre, up from JD0.870 in January, while unleaded 95-octane gasoline will rise to JD1.110 per litre, compared with JD1.100 last ...
I've always enjoyed the Nissan Frontier pickup truck because of its commanding looks and not-too-big, not-too-small footprint ...
Fuel prices in Lebanon decreased, with 95-octane and 98-octane gasoline dropping by LBP 22,000 and diesel declining by LBP 18 ...
Most of the vehicles in India use regular petrol and it works just fine. The premium/power petrol contains higher octane value compared to the regular petrol and it gives the vehicle a marginal ...