In his book Fear No Pharaoh, Richard Kreitner examines the reactions of six Jewish Americans to slavery and the Civil War.
A new law, buried inside an otherwise obscure piece of federal legislation, permits the Washington, D.C., City Council to ...
Dozens of fourth graders were asked to imagine they were slaves Thursday as they packed themselves into a small gallery at ...
In all 30,000 slaves fled to Canada, many with the help of the underground railroad - a secret network of free blacks and ...
The process started in December 2023 when DeVooght House Lifters up and moved the 1860s doctor's office from South Marr Street to 127 N. Main St., a journey that spanned less than a mile but took ...
The defendants conspired together to move the victims, equipment, and cannabis around the UK. The victims were held in conditions of modern slavery where their movements were controlled. The ...
The Torah, however, carefully and specifically ties this moral imperative to be empathetic of others to the experience of slavery and otherness within the Israelite’s own narrative of existence ...
Amid national backlash to diversity initiatives and Black history celebrations, Baylor has undertaken new research into its institutional history with slavery and is making changes to its campus.
By Choe Sang-Hun Reporting from Seoul Gil Won-ok, one of the last survivors of sexual slavery for Japan’s World War II troops, who campaigned to bring international attention to the suffering of ...
Maddox had clicked on that story, curious about the link between slavery and a prominent Jesuit institution. She and her family were among a 4% minority of American Catholics who are Black ...
In the 1860s, African Americans escaped to one of ... considered the “first safe haven for African Americans” escaping slavery in North Carolina during the Civil War, the Graveyard of the ...