The United States no longer tolerates Qatari relationships with Iran and Hezbollah. Qatar has been told to sever its Iranian and Hezbollah ties or face sanctions and isolation by the U.S. forces in ...
By early November Ukraine still occupied over a thousand square kilometers of Russian territory and the Russians were still unprepared to oust the Ukrainians. By early 2025 Russian forces had retaken ...
Russia is building a drone manufacturing infrastructure. By 2026 330,000 people will be involved in the development, production, and operation of drones by 2026. By 2035 1.5 million people may be ...
March 10, 2025: Ukraine has used American made drones. Until 2025 it accepted locally hade drones from the United States and other NATO nations. Now Ukraine politely declines offers and points out ...
The Ukrainian firms producing most of the drones are Airlogix, Antonov, Athlon Avia, Kolibry 7, Skyeton, Skyfall, TAF, UkrJet, UkrSpec, UkrSpecSystems, and Vyriy.
By the end of 2014 Ukraine had nearly 100,000 troops in or near Donbas and volunteers still comprised nearly 20 percent of troop strength. Going into 2015 some of these volunteers became a problem. In ...
Ukraine used a combined force of explosives-carrying drones and autonomous surface drones against three Russian frigates and several other ships docked at the Sevastopol naval base in Crimea. The ...
The new Columbia class SSBNs will be about the same length of the 15,500 ton Ohios but about 5 percent larger in diameter and displace 18,500 tons on the surface. The Ohios were based on 1980s ...
March 7, 2025: In 2025 the United States threatened to halt $336 million is aid to the Palestinian Authority/PA if the Palestinians did not halt their Pay for Slay payments. Recent payments were ...
March 7, 2025: In late 2024 there were two million Palestinian refugees in Gaza and they had to be fed. That was proving difficult because several Palestinian gangs were hijacking up to a quarter of ...
The Dhruv can carry up to 14 passengers or four stretchers. Max load is 2.5 tons and endurance is about two hours. The Dhruv can also fly as high as 6,000 meters. Northern India has a lot of mountains ...