In case you haven't figured it out, here's a better look: The wheels end up saturated and lose traction as mud fills the gaps between the tire studs. This is a problem when you have a vehicle that ...
Por si no lo habéis descubierto, aquí se ve un poco mejor: las ruedas acaban saturadas y pierden tracción, ya que el barro ...
Donald Trump is a clear example, but not the only one. The 47th president of the United States is becoming the centre of many ...
Yo debo ser un tipo muy raro, porque no soy trumpista ni antitrumpista. Hace años que me gusta definirme en torno a ideas. A ...
Donald Trump no está perdiendo el tiempo y parece decidido a desmontar la agenda ideológica de Joe Biden en un tiempo récord.
Donald Trump is not wasting any time and seems determined to dismantle Joe Biden's ideological agenda in record time. Trump ...