President Donald Trump launched a tariff fight with major U.S. trading partners today by implementing 25% blanket tariffs on ...
Maureen Santos is an ecologist and political scientist, currently serving as coordinator of the Politics and Alternatives ...
As the United States enters the 21st century, it stands unchallenged as the world's economic leader, a remarkable turnaround from the 1980s when many Americans had doubts about U.S. "competitiveness." ...
THE TOTAL AND UNCONDITIONAL CANCELLATION OF THE AFRICAN DEBT is a demand based on undisputed economic, social, moral, legal and historical arguments. Because the debt problem is not a financial or ...
Farmers are used to uncertainty — they are used to tracking markets, weather and fixing things that break unexpectedly. The most stable thing farmers should deal with, theoretically, is the federal ...
A letter by 10 environmental organizations to members of Congress opposing CAFTA.
Joel J. Dahlgren, Lindquist & Vennum, P.L.L.P. Many of these questions are directed to the issue of liability. These issues need to be carefully teased apart.
example of a forestry co-op's Articles of Incorporation ...
The National Sorghum Producers testify before the Full Committee on the 2002 Farm Bill.
Letter from members of the medical community to Abbott Laboratories applauding the company for its decision to withdraw the fluoroquinolone poultry product, sarafloxacin, from the market voluntarily, ...