25 January 2015, at a time when Greece had been suffering since 2010 under the burden of a severe austerity regime forced on the country by its creditors and by the social-democrat (Pasok) and ...
According to the doctrine, for a debt to be odious it must meet two conditions: 1) It must have been contracted against the interests of the Nation, or against the interests of the People, or against ...
International Monetary Fund Along with the World Bank, the IMF was founded on the day the Bretton Woods Agreements were signed. Its first mission was to support the new system of standard exchange ...
In 1996 the IMF and the World Bank launched an initiative aimed at reducing the debt burden for some 41 heavily indebted poor countries (HIPC), whose total debts amount to about 10% of the Third World ...
Living organisms (plant or animal) which have undergone genetic manipulation in order to modify their characteristics, usually to make them resistant to a herbicide or pesticide. In 2000, GMOs were ...
A structured product is generally a product designed by a bank. It is often a complex combination of options, swaps, etc. Its price is determined using mathematical models which model the behaviour of ...
Mozambique, a country of 20 million inhabitants, has just suffered the worst floods for 30 years. The government estimates the cost of reconstruction at $250 million. While the industrialized ...
Exiting the debt crisis to reclaim the future- Global and regional experiences . 30/ ...
Les échanges dette-nature (ou debt-for-nature swaps) font un retour en force sur la scène internationale. Promus comme une solution innovante pour réduire la dette des pays du Sud tout en finançant la ...
Desde 2010, Grecia sufría un duro tratamiento de austeridad impuesto por los acreedores y por los partidos que se alternaban en el poder: el social demócrata PASOK y el conservador Nueva Democracia.
«matrix» by Gamaliel E. M. is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0. La conversión de todo el sector tecnológico al trumpismo es fruto de su modelo de negocio. Para proseguir su lógica depredadora, ha ...
Le 25 janvier 2015, alors que la Grèce subit depuis 2010 une sévère cure d’austérité imposée par ses créanciers et par les partis social-démocrate (Pasok) et conservateur (Nouvelle Démocratie) qui ont ...