It's common to see dead fish near bodies of water in Michigan in the spring. Winterkill is most common in shallow bodies of ...
The Michigan DNR is asking state lawmakers to increase hunting and fishing licenses, while being "open" to changing its ...
The Michigan DNR has revamped its boat launch map with an interactive map showing more than 1,000 launch sits. In this MLive ...
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the DNR has been offering weekly alerts about species passing through or stopping in Michigan.
The 7- to 9-week-old cubs were found on private land in Ontonagon County in the western Upper Peninsula. A local residents ...
As Michigan thaws, the DNR explains that fish 'winterkill' is a natural occurrence and not a threat to overall fish ...
Michigan DNR is set to collect walleye eggs from the Muskegon River near Croton Dam using electrofishing, aiming for 26 ...
Record or near-record cold temperatures and large snowfalls across Michigan this winter could lead to more fish kills than ...
After a return to a “more normal” winter, the Michigan DNR says communities could see a rise in natural fish kills.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is slated to begin collecting eggs from Muskegon River walleye this spring.
If you see dead fish and aquatic animals as outdoor temperatures warm up, you may have found signs of winterkill.
Expect to see more DNR crews around the Croton Dam in the next few weeks. Personnel will be on the grounds for several days ...