Religious dogma clashed with early science, but fossils and discoveries reshaped humanity’s understanding of Earth’s history.
In college I wrote a poem, and it goes like this, “Reality, a pause in space, to fill the gap a human race, now watch it all from start to end, a flickering then space again.” The Bible explains such ...
I was six years old when Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong walked on the moon in 1969. The static-crackled words he spoke from the moon of his single step for man being a leap for mankind shaped ...
"From the Pulpit" is a weekly column of faith, shared by Central Illinois faith leaders. This week: For God's sake ...
Over centuries, the Golem evolved from folklore and mythology to influence Frankenstein, silent films, and superhero comics. Today it symbolizes the profound possibilities and ethical dilemmas ...
“From allowing immigration raids in churches, to targeting faith-based charities, to suppressing religious diversity, the Trump Administration’s aggressive government overreach is infringing on ...
Alhamdulillah! Once again, we have been blessed with the breath of life to see another day. The first words we should utter ...
This is the time of year that we crave new life. All winter there has been dormancy, and now with every degree of warmth and drop of rain we wait and watch for the transformation of new creation ...
I moved into an apartment for the first time. Apartment living was new to me. I remember that my neighbor had a German Shepherd named Lucy. Unfortunately, Lucy spent every day on a tiny balcony while ...
Our lives are full of God’s beautiful creations. At every twist and turn we walk by men and women that are created in God’s ...