The phrase ji ji ru lyu ling, a Taoist incantation often used in ... day day up" for hao hao xue xi, tian tian xiang shang; and "give you some color to see see" for gei ni dian yan se qiao qiao ...
Scores from the LPGA Tour Blue Bay LPGA on Saturday12Weiwei Zhang (China PR)765Yuna Nishimura (Japan)737Azahara Munoz (Spain)7510Sung Hyun Park (Korea Republic)785Ssu-Chia Cheng (Chinese Taipei)77Celi ...
Chinese Vice-Minister of Commerce Ling Ji assured on Tuesday that isolated incidents involving Japanese nationals in China should not be seen as security threats to Japanese citizens or businesses.
On Tuesday, February 25, Mr. Matsuo Takehiko, Vice-Minister for International Affairs at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, held a meeting with Mr.LING Ji, Vice Minister of Commerce of the ...
It was the lowest figure since 2016. “The decline has narrowed compared to last year, but it is still on a downward trend,” Ling Ji, China’s vice commerce minister, said at a Thursday press ...
with actual use of foreign capital reaching 20.6 trillion yuan ($2.83 trillion), Chinese Vice Commerce Minister Ling Ji said at the same press conference on Thursday. By actively attracting and ...
The Commerce Ministry will visit foreign enterprises to better understand their needs and find solutions to their problems, Vice-Minister Ling Ji said on Thursday (Feb 20). If certain issues cannot be ...