Mayor Muriel Bowser unveiled legislation Wednesday that if approved by the D.C. Council will make it easier for landlords to evict tenants who fall behind in rent or are charged with violent crimes.
A D.C. developer is proposing to construct a mixed-use, solar-powered warehouse with office space to serve as an incubator green businesses in the District.
A $16 million renovation of Friendship Terrace in Northwest D.C. has added 125 affordable housing units for older adults, ...
Luna Gourmet Coffee & Tea Co., which acquired Boyer’s Coffee in 2016, shifted roasting and bagging operations to a new ...
WASHINGTON (7News) — On Wednesday, D.C.'s mayor introduced the RENTAL Act, which adds protections for landlords and ...
Mayor Muriel E. Bowser said the legislation is an attempt to support affordable housing providers who are in crisis mode over ...
A new bill is aimed at streamlining eviction processing times and allowing some landlords to skip offering tenants first buy ...
This is our camera stationed at The Wharf in Southwest DC. It offers 360-degree views of our nation's capital including the Southwest Waterfront, Tidal Basin, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument ...