The evolution of the neck in vertebrates: a key innovation for conquering terrestrial environments Vertebrates (animals with vertebrae ... for the mobility of the head independent of the body on land ...
A major event in vertebrate evolution was the transition from aquatic to terrestrial life, made possible by the emergence of ...
A look at the strongest, biggest, most numerous, and just weirdest dental situations on the planet.
Tropical riparian ecosystems—those found along rivers and wetlands—recovered much faster than expected following the ...
More than 500 exceptionally preserved fossils are offering new clues about the evolution of Florida's animals and landscape.
Coyotes are preying on baby seals. Scientists used cameras to confirm this behavior. Seals may change their habits to avoid ...
Between 122 and 108 million years ago, the Australian landmass was much farther south than today. Victoria was positioned within the Antarctic Circle, separated from Tasmania by a vast rift valley ...
Back in 2015, experts recovered the fossilized remains from the Lower Jurassic Lufeng Formation of Yunnan Province, China.
Fossil collectors in Florida have discovered an ancient sinkhole, now at the bottom of a river, which holds the remains of animals rarely seen in the state, including a type of giant armadillo, giant ...
Those animals went on to become the tetrapods, a broad category of vertebrates with four limbs and distinct digits, including mammals. Most of those mammals have remained land animals but ...
Between 122 and 108 million years ago, the Australian landmass was much farther south than today. Victoria was positioned within the Antarctic Circle ...