Queueing traffic on A105 Green Lanes both ways near the Salisbury Hotel. In the roadworks area. Temporary traffic lights are in operation.
Traffic taking turns due to roadworks on A105 Green Lanes both ways at B150 Endymion Road. Until 18th February.
Temporary traffic lights due to water main work on A105 Green Lanes near the Salisbury Hotel. Expect delays. Until 4th March.
Temporary traffic lights due to water main work on A105 Green Lanes near the Salisbury Hotel. Expect delays. Until 4th March.
Queueing traffic on A105 Green Lanes both ways near the Salisbury Hotel. In the roadworks area. Temporary traffic lights are in operation.
Queueing traffic on A105 Green Lanes both ways near the Salisbury Hotel. In the roadworks area. Temporary traffic lights are in operation.