While many animals follow traditional reproductive patterns, some have evolved unique adaptations to reproduce through this extraordinary method. Here are seven astonishing animals that have ...
Nature’s largest animals, from blue whales to elephants, have always fascinated us. But what makes them so special? From ...
Picture an Antarctic animal and most people think of penguins, but there is a flightless midge, the only known insect native ...
Imagine creatures that have survived since the time of dinosaurs. Species like the tuatara, sturgeon, crocodile, hagfish, ...
The ability to tolerate toxic substances can help animals find new food ... It also provides a unique opportunity to study evolutionary adaptations and shifts within a completely unexplored ...
Something strange is happening in certain parts of the U.S.—animals are mutating in ways scientists never expected! From odd ...
A study on bat genomes, involving Texas Tech University, discovered genetic adaptations that help bats resist viral ...
A spa day for capybaras? Watch as these cold capybaras brave the Japanese winter with their very own hot springs bathtub ...
Animals, like humans, are experiencing the effects of climate change, with many species at risk of extinction. The good news is that some animals have been showing signs of adaptation and are changing ...
What's the only native insect of Antarctica have to do to survive? A research team has uncovered the special ability of the Antarctic midge to prosper in an extreme environment.
Scientists at Lund University analyzed soft tissue from a 183-million-year-old plesiosaur fossil, discovering both smooth and ...
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) ...