Come da tradizione, nel pomeriggio di lunedì 27 gennaio, il prefetto Luca Rotondi ha consegnato ai rispettivi parenti 21 medaglie d’onore in ricordo dei cittadini italiani deportati e internati ...
This is just as the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria, TUC, described the tariff that will begin next month as outrageous, lamenting that it will worsen the harsh living conditions of workers and ...
Si è tenuta davanti al Tribunale di Avellino, in composizione collegiale, una nuova udienza del processo a carico di un ventenne di Rotondi, accusato di diversi episodi di violenze sessuali, stalking ...
On the proposed transfer of royalty collection to the Nigeria Revenue Service, the TUC president warned of potential revenue losses and inefficiencies due to the lack of technical expertise in oil ...
The Federal Government had proposed a phased VAT hike from the current 7.5% to 10%, 12.5%, and ultimately 15%, a move the TUC described as ill-timed and detrimental to the welfare of citizens ...
The Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC) has rejected the Federal Government’s proposal to increase the Value Added Tax (VAT) rate, warning that such a move would exacerbate the economic ...
Sono gli eredi democristiani a doverlo accogliere e cioè Lorenzo Cesa (il principale azionista, segretario dell’Udc), Gianfranco Rotondi (presidente della “Dc con Rotondi” e parlamentare ...
Required to accommodate the storage and discharge of storm water runoff from the TUC at specified rates. These facilities are a type of Municipal Service that is part of the Utility Component.