The classic pulmonary lesion of tuberous sclerosis complex is lymphangioleiomyomatosis; other patients have multifocal micronodular pneumocyte hyperplasia. Pulmonary disease is five times more ...
In patients with tuberous sclerosis complex, the differential diagnosis between Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and localization-related symptomatic epilepsy originating in the frontal lobe can be ...
They'll be heading to Phoenix with their families for a few days to meet players, participate in warmups, tour the clubhouse ...
A little-known disease, tuberous sclerosis nonetheless has a dramatic impact on the lives of those affected by the condition. And it's something we should all be more aware of. Click through for a ...
ScienceAlert reports how a team of researchers in Brazil found that the fruits and flowers of Trema micrantha blume — a type ...
These syndromic forms of autism include fragile X syndrome (FXS), tuberous sclerosis and Rett syndrome. Models of these and other disorders serve as an important starting point for studies of the ...
Treatment with cannabidiol led to improved seizure and nonseizure outcomes in patients with various forms of epilepsy, data show. The BECOME-TSC study evaluated outcomes of Epidiolex (Jazz ...
As part of the regulatory action, memantine/donepezil extended-release capsules have been granted a 180-day exclusivity in ...