A recent study of AEYE-DS AI technology used in conjunction with the Topcon NW500 resulted in exceptional clinical diagnostic ...
Paired retinal fundus and optical coherence tomography imaging (Topcon 3D OCT 1000 Mk2 ... Further, the recent development of smartphone-based retinal cameras, together with the integration of DL ...
After pupil dilation, two retinal photographs, centred on the optic disc and macula, were taken from both eyes of each participant using a non-mydriatic retinal camera (Canon CD-DGi with a 10D SLR ...
Topcon), slit-lamp biomicroscope, color-fundus examination, and measurement of the thickness of choroid, retina, and nerve fiber layer using swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT; model ...
Purpose: To explore the characteristics and associated factors of fundus tessellation, especially the alternation of choroidal thickness among different degrees of tessellated fundus in young adults.
As the lesions start healing, the spectral domain-optical coherence tomography scan shows irregular, hyper-reflective knobbly elevations of the outer retinal layers with ultimate loss of RPE ...