Il mesure environ 16 cm de long avec une queue et des ailes courtes. Il ressemble à une perdrix. Il est de couleur gris-brun avec une zone plus pâle au sommet de la gorge. Son habitat naturel est ...
Fascinating animal teamwork in Costa Rica where camera traps capture rare interspecific interactions between boat-billed herons, American crocodiles, and flocks of birds benefiting from army ants.
The mellow indie folk of Tinamou and Humble Home rounds out the compilation, bringing honest songs and an organic touch. Female-fronted Diamonds & Pearls adds indie rock to the mix, boasting Zooey ...
We had the chance to see wildlife, birds like the slaty tailed trogon and tinamou, forest deer, and both howler monkeys (well-named) and shy spider monkeys. While we were at Barro Colorado, we ...
The Atlantic Forest has one of the richest avifaunas in the world, with endemic, migratory and endangered taxa. However, some of the ornithological knowledge produced there has yet to be organized and ...