Telness Tech tiene el agrado de anunciar la disponibilidad de sus servicios para operadores de red virtual móvil (MVNO) en la ...
Un grupo de residentes de Big Country presentara en Japón su tecnología de carne de res limpia. NSC, una mpresa de Baird, ha presentado un proceso para deshuesar la carne ...
Researchers at Case Western Reserve University are developing a new self-propelled robotic sleeve inspired by the earthworm.
A Rigaku Corporation, uma empresa do Rigaku Holdings Corporation Group (sede: Akishima, Tóquio; Diretor Executivo: Jun ...
COAMO Agroindustrial Cooperativa, the largest agricultural cooperative in South America, has selected ICM Tecnologia em Biocombustíveis Ltda. (ICM) to provide professional services and equipment for a ...
An innovative and low-cost project aims to bio-convert food scraps into fertilizer, animal feed and extractable oil using the ...
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Rigaku Corporation, una società del gruppo Rigaku Holdings Corporation (sede: Akishima, Tokyo; amministratore delegato: Jun Kawakami; di seguito denom ...
Brazilian telco Oi has finalized the sale of its fiber optic business to V.tal for R$5.71 billion ($980 million).
Portuguese researchers identified a type of immune cell that appears to travel to the pancreas to stimulate glucagon ...
Researchers used terahertz spectroscopy and imaging to gain new insights into how agave plants are so remarkably adept at retaining water in extremely dry environments.