First edition Stephen King books are a rarity, but if you've got one lying around your home library, you could sell it for a good chunk of change.
Spanning genres from crime to horror to romantic comedies and more, these are 35 classic movies that are based on novels.
Doing it yourself can be cheaper, faster and more profitable than traditional publishing, but the writers do all the work.
Some books continue to sell well for a long time in hardcover, and publishers have ... Jim Crow South has been praised by no less than Stephen King as “one of those books you can’t put down.” ...
(Atria) The 31st book in the Stephanie Plum series. Caught between two fiancés and not knowing what to do, Plum gets back to business as a bounty hunter. 14. YOU LIKE IT DARKER, by Stephen King.
Deluxe collector’s hardcover features stenciled edges and a color illustrated map of Oz. 288 pages. Every Day a Little Death: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Songs of Stephen Sondheim (3/22/2025 ...
The 3-story Recycled Books Records CDs in Denton, Texas, offers a labyrinth of unique literary wonders to explore! Let me ...
Welcome to the Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Thrift Store in West Fargo, North Dakota – a treasure trove of secondhand wonders ...
One of Stephen King's least popular adaptations starring Christopher Walken has landed on a new streaming home – and it's ...
This 44-year-old Stephen King book, despite getting the prestigious Hugo Award, does not get enough love by the author's ...