Did you ever think you’d hear the words "skunk," "anti-aircraft weaponry" and "nipple squirters" in the same sentence? Brace yourself and watch this one-minute video, where Ask Smithsonian host ...
How bad is the smell ... the scent glands removed from a skunk born last year. I asked her to open the lid a little. No sooner had I waved my hand to smell it, I was assaulted by an odious ...
It has three different scents to help hide the skunk smell: original ... plant extracts to remove bad smells and add a ...
Not only that, but it often smells so bad that it's nearly impossible to ... This will help you get rid of the smell of skunk spray in no time. To start, mix 1/3 cup vinegar and 2/3 cup warm ...
A little dab of "skunk essence" on a rock in northern Minnesota became a popular spot for wildlife, according to the Voyageurs Wolf Project. Here's the video.
On Sunday, May 26, Teigen, 38, revealed the couple's Beverly Hills home had been sprayed by a skunk ... smell in a fluffy mint green robe. Legend, 45, added while walking behind his wife, "Oh, it ...